
Results of the portal

a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Юності, буд.11, кв.33
Internally displaced persons
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Калачівська, буд.38/9, кв.33
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Тампере, буд.9, кв.33
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Челябінська, буд.9, кв.33
Tariffs, prices for utilities
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Генерала Жмаченка, буд.6, кв.3
Proposals for attracting investment in the region
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Андрія Малишка, буд.4А, кв.3
Legal issues
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Верховної Ради, буд.14А, кв.33
Repair of educational and communal institutions
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Флоренції, буд.7, кв.1
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Харківське, буд.143
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Будівельників, буд.15, кв.33
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Харківське, буд.180/21
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Архітектора Вербицького, буд.14В, кв.3
Land reform
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Попудренка, буд.22, кв.3
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Праці, буд.4А, кв.3
Repair of educational and communal institutions
a photoIt was
a photoIt became
Київ, Юрія Гагаріна, буд.22, кв.3
Legal issues

From May 17, 2017, the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated April 28, 2017" On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)" dated May 15, 2017 No. 133/2017 entered into force. therefore, you need to change the mailboxes of Russian servers in the user's personal account (for example: mail.ru, yandex.ru, yandex.ua, bk.ru) to those created on Ukrainian servers (for example: ukr.net, i.ua , email.ua, gmail.com).

We draw your attention to the fact that appeals received from e-mail addresses of non-Ukrainian servers are not subject to consideration. ATTENTION!


According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens", the appeal must state the citizen's surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence, telephone number, e-mail address, and outline the essence of the issue raised.

An application made without complying with the specified requirements will not be considered. In connection with the above, we ask you to match the information in your personal account.